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Where should the .cm file be?
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When a protected program is run, it looks for its <protected program>.cm file in a number of places in the following order:
- If there is a <program name>.cm.ini file in the same folder as the protected program and the .cm.ini file contains a Path variable, then it will look for the .cm file in that path.
- It will look in ProgramPath, i.e. the path containing your protected program
- It will look in ProgramPath\cm where ProgramPath is the path containing your protected program
- It will look in APPDATA\DID\ProdCode\cm where APPDATA is a variable specified in the Windows Environment, did is your unique CopyMinder Developer ID and ProdCode is the Product Code you specified for this product (e.g. C:Documents and SettingsUser1Application Data\AAB\PC\cm).
- It will look in ALLUSERSPROFILEdidProdCodecm where ALLUSERSPROFILE is a variable specified in the Windows Environment, did is your unique CopyMinder Developer ID and ProdCode is the Product Code you specified for this product (e.g. C:ProgramData\AAB\PC\cm).
We strongly recommend that you install a protected program using the supplied CMInstall.exe utility. This will put the .cm file in a suitable location and set up a .cm.ini file appropriately. It will also take care of file, directory and registry access rights for you. If you use CMInstall then you do not need to be concerned about where the .cm file is.
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