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articleVerifying registration email addresses
Description: Can CopyMinder verify the email address that the user enters when they register the program? Solution: Yes, just set 'Verified...
18 Jun, 2007    Views: 4647
articleWhat is a suspect installation?
A suspect installation is one which CopyMinder thinks has either been installed on a second machine or perhaps moved to another machine. Fol...
18 Jun, 2007    Views: 3980
articleRunning an installation on a laptop with occasional internet access
Description: For example, a user is going away for 2 weeks without internet access. What would be the recommended pre-check settings in the ...
18 Jun, 2007    Views: 2912
articleCan a single Product Key be used for multiple installations?
One product key is required per installation of your software. The only exception is network installations which can have multiple installat...
25 Jun, 2007    Views: 5337
articleWhat is the IP address of the CopyMinder server?
Some firewalls and proxy servers require web addresses to be entered into a 'whitelist' to allow access to Internet servers.   Curren...
20 Sep, 2011    Views: 6522
articleCan I create Trial installations without Internet access?
Yes.  If they do not have internet access when trying to run a Trial, it will prompt them to install it as a manual trial, provided tha...
08 Jun, 2009    Views: 4258
articleI am running my protected program but it crashes giving the BadImageFormatException error.
This exception will occur if you have a 64-bit program calling our 32-bit DLL. This will only happen if you are running on a 64-bit op...
14 Aug, 2007    Views: 2484
articleCan I run a protected program on a Microsoft Terminal Server?
Yes, CopyMinder should be fine under terminal servers in general.  However, your protected program must be installed as a network ...
25 Nov, 2010    Views: 6196
articleHow do I change the protection parameters for a manual installation after they have installed?
You need to do the following: 1.    Make the changes you require on the web site. 2.    Get the user to ...
16 Oct, 2007    Views: 11985
articleHow do I tell if a customer has installed a standalone or network version?
Go to 'Modify settings for a Product Key' section on the web site and enter their Product Key. On that page their is a 'Maximum number ...
22 Oct, 2007    Views: 3780
articleHow do I convert a manual installation to an internet one?
The following procedure should do it: 1.    On the web site, make sure that only Internet Installations are allowed for that ...
22 Sep, 2010    Views: 3971
articleCompatibility with Virtual environments
Type 1 (bare metal) hypervisors CopyMinder has been tested and found to work correctly using a VMWare vSphere (also known as ESXi) 5.5 host ...
21 Jan, 2010    Views: 3397
articleHow do I convert an internet installation to a manual one?
Just carry out the following: 1.    On the web site, make sure that Manual Installations are allowed but Internet Installatio...
05 Dec, 2008    Views: 2821
articleMy protected program runs slowly
Description: If you are using the new Advanced Shell Method, your program may run more slowly than usual. Solution: You can control th...
12 Jan, 2009    Views: 2743
articleError 963
Description:  This error indicates that the activation or update code supplied to the protected program is invalid. For a manual instal...
23 Feb, 2009    Views: 1568
articlePerforming a protection check results in a Windows error message
Problem Under newer versions of Windows such as Vista and Server 2008 your CopyMinder protected program may fail to perform a protection che...
15 Jul, 2009    Views: 4656
articleError 658
Description  If CopyMinder is busy for more than a couple of seconds, it displays a Progress dialog.  If the user closes this dia...
04 Jun, 2009    Views: 2891
articleError allocating memory with shell protection and Salford compilers
If your shell protected program displays a message box stating it was unable to allocate a large amount of memory immediately after completi...
03 Jul, 2009    Views: 1325
articleError 773
This error indicates a database fault on the CopyMinder server(s).  It has happened on exactly one occasion, which was between 0400 and...
02 Jun, 2010    Views: 2044
articleProtection check slow under Windows 7 64 bit and Windows server 2008 R2
A small number of Windows 7 64 bit installations report the protection check takes much longer to reach the activation dialog than is normal...
28 Jan, 2011    Views: 1424
articleCompatibility with Microsoft Enhanced Migration Experience Toolkit (EMET)
Testing has shown that if a problem is encountered starting a protected program that uses the mitigations in EMET, disabling the following o...
21 Jul, 2014    Views: 926
articleI have software protected with CopyMinder and have a question
CopyMinder is a licensing solution for software developers to manage use of their software by end users. The developer has control of how i...
16 Dec, 2015    Views: 2133
articleSlow protected program startup or protection checks
We have discovered that the third party library Eurekalog increases the time taken for a protection check by a factor of approximately ten t...
06 Apr, 2021    Views: 245
articleError 84
This error indicates a problem reading the .cm file from the disk. The file has been found and opened with read access successfully, but th...
22 Dec, 2017    Views: 718
articleError 508
Description:  CopyMinder was unable to create the <program name>.cm.dir directory.  This is probably due to the us...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 3465
articleError 637
Description: Timeout when trying to perform a protection check from a network client - the CopyMinder Network Server failed ...
30 Apr, 2010    Views: 3773
articleReturn code 684
The presence of lines in the .cm.log file on a network server containing the statement "Return Code 684" do not indicate an error condition....
20 Oct, 2014    Views: 5644
articleSuspicious activations when changing between user accounts
If a CopyMinder protected program is installed in standalone (not network) mode and then run from user accounts with different privileges, t...
17 Nov, 2011    Views: 5906
articleError 793
Description: You are trying to install a manually activated product more than once. Solution: If you require a second manually activated co...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 3894
articleError 909
Description:  CopyMinder was unable to write to your <program name>.cm.dir directory.  This is usually a result of insu...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 2136
articleError 923
Description The protected software was unable to create one of it's required files. Solution This is most likely to do with access rights so...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 4880
articleError 926
Error 926 means one of the internal modules that the protection check uses couldn't be loaded. The file is called .cm.1 and is written out ...
06 Jan, 2016    Views: 1858
articleError 929
Description The protected program was unable to connect to the CopyMinder Network Server (CMServer). Solution 1) Ensure that CMServer is run...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 4564
articleError 935
This error means that the protected software running as a network client licence could not establish communication with CMServer. Please ch...
13 May, 2016    Views: 1353
articleError 936
Description The protected program failed to read the response from the CopyMinder Network Server (CMServer). Cause The most likely causes fo...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 2713
articleError 937
Description The connection to the CopyMinder Network Server (CMServer) was closed unexpectedly, Solution Check the status of your network - ...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 2212
articleError 943
Description The network client's attempt to read data from the server has failed. Reason If the extended error is 431:10060 it means t...
05 Apr, 2012    Views: 1881
articleError 946
Description The CopyMinder Network Server (CMServer) encountered an internal error. Solution Ask your network administrator to check the ser...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 3694
articleError 947
Description Error 947 means that a new network server .cm file cannot be activated because dialogs are suppressed (because CMServer is runni...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 3144
articleError 948
Description The .cm file used by the CopyMinder Network Server (CMServer) cannot be downgraded to a version prior to 50. Solution Contact yo...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 1992
articleError 985
Error 985 means that the licence is awaiting email verification and the user has been prompted to ask if they want the verification email to...
16 Apr, 2014    Views: 1865
articleError 991
Description The protected program was waiting too long for the Advanced Runtime Protection (ARP) system to initialize. Solution This is usua...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 1876
articleError 997
Description Your .cm file is trying to downgrade to a version that does not support protection of .NET programs. Solution Contact your s...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 2373
articleError 1060
Cause: Downgrading the .cm file to a version with incompatible encryption. Solution: Contact your software developer.
19 Jun, 2012    Views: 1432
articleError 1202
Description Part of the Advanced Runtime Protection (ARP) system included in the Shell method failed to initialize properly. Solution T...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 2075
articleError 1211
Description Part of the Advanced Runtime Protection system (ARP) failed to function properly. ARP is part of the Shell method. Solution Ther...
11 Jun, 2010    Views: 1885
articleError 1214
Description Part of the Advanced Runtime Protection (ARP) system failed to function properly. ARP is part of the Shell method. Solution Th...
21 Aug, 2014    Views: 1253
articleError 1965
Error 1965 ws2_32.dll missing or corrupt CopyMinder requires the Windows ws2_32.dll file to be present and functional for the protection ch...
28 Nov, 2013    Views: 839
articleError 1968
If an error 1968 occurs in a 64 bit protected program, please ensure that the accompanying <program name>.cm file is present in the di...
17 Nov, 2014    Views: 10290
articleError 1978
Error 1978 File creation error An attempt to create a file in the same directory as the working copy of the <program name>.cm file fa...
28 Nov, 2013    Views: 3291
articleError 1981
Error 1981 Null pointer When one of the CM_Get functions was called, a null value was passed for the pointer to receive the return data. Th...
28 Nov, 2013    Views: 1812
articleError 1983
Error 1983 One of the CM_Get functions was called before a protection check had been successfully completed, so there was no data to return...
28 Nov, 2013    Views: 747

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